Saturday, December 28, 2019

Coordination in English Grammar

In English grammar, coordination or parataxis is the joining of words, phrases, or clauses of the same type  to give them equal emphasis and importance. The common conjunctions and, but, for, or, not, yet and so to join the elements of a coordinate construction. Clauses joined by coordination are main clauses or coordinate clauses, and a sentence containing two or more clauses linked by coordination is called a compound sentence; this acts in contrast to subordination, which joins the main clause of a sentence with a subordinate clause. This important distinction can be simplified by saying that coordinate constructions are composed of elements that are equally important, while subordination relies on two or more elements wherein one relies on the other to provide context and meaning. Commonality and Usage Chances are as a native or non-native English speaker, you have been using grammatical coordination just about as long as youve been able to form complete sentences. This very sentence is a coordinate construction in itself, and when speaking its truly the conjunction words that define a sentence as a coordinate construction. In the written form, coordination can help maintain a pace, rhythm and flow to a writers piece, providing a means to string along a complex thought without interruption of periods and their subsequent verbal pauses. Primarily though, these function best in comparison and comparative essays.   Disjunctive conjunctions like or or either...or serve the opposite purpose in contrasting phrases and clauses; therefore, a well-written compare-contrast essay utilizes both disjunctive and conjunctive  conjunctions to create a fluid and eloquent observation on the given topics, exploring their similarities and differences without confusing the intended audience. Gapped Coordination and Joint Coordination There are two types of coordination that are additionally utilized, providing special rules for when the verbs of both clauses are the same: gapped coordination or joint coordination. Oftentimes, these are used without thought, but in order to identify them, there are a few unique differences between the two. In gapping the verb is omitted from the second clause, leaving a gap in the middle of the clause. For instance, the sentence Kyle plays basketball, and Matthew plays soccer could be rewritten Kyle plays basketball, and Matthew soccer and still make grammatical sense. This process maintains conciseness in writing as well as speech. On the other hand, joint coordination is used when a noun phrase cannot be separated into separate clauses because the words function as a unit. For instance, the sentence Pete and Cory are a dynamic duo, would not make sense if rewritten as Pete is a dynamic duo, and Chris is a dynamic duo. Joint coordination, then, forms a dependent noun-verb phrase wherein the noun phrase of Pete and Cory function as a unit.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Emotional Intelligence ( Eq ) - 950 Words

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) can best be described as the ability to identify and manage your own emotions as well as others (Psychology Today). Generically speaking, this definition will suffice, but the more detailed levels of understanding help provide a clearer picture as to what emotional intelligence is. A high level of EQ has a direct correlation with effective leadership because both subjects involve groups of people. Emotional Intelligence can be broken up into five categories, all of which can be tied into leadership practices. The first component of emotional intelligence is self-awareness; the ability to recognize emotions during the act it comes forward. Upon recognition of your emotions, humans can then channel and manage emotions to help guide better decision-making. Along with emotional management, self-confidence provides the sureness you have in your capabilities along with the self-worth you perceive. Self-awareness is merely a stepping-stone of EQ; without recognizing your own emotions, you cannot expect to rationally recognize others. Now that the emotions have been recognized, the next step in to self-regulate, or manage our emotions. Emotions occur implicitly, and we often cannot control the emotion that appears. However, the human condition can influence how long an emotion will last, and how to translate that emotion into the proper behavior. Self-regulation involves a high level of self-control, adaptability to external changes, andShow MoreRelatedEmotional Intelligence ( Eq )1651 Words   |  7 Pagesin their employment. Much success in the workplace can be contributed to one’s emotional intelligence (EQ) or their understanding of emotions in themselves and co-workers which can use to form positive collegial relationships (Cherniss Exetin, 2006). The book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Bradberry and Greaves (2009), effectively explains what Emotional Intelligence and provides useful strategies to improve one’s EQ. However, while the book has a foundation in scientific study, it is not much mo reRead MoreEmotional Intelligence ( Eq )854 Words   |  4 PagesEmotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage own emotions and emotions of others in positive manners to alleviate stress, relate effectively, empathize with others, surmount challenges, and moderate conflict. This capacity enables us to recognize and understand (usually a non-verbal process) emotional experiences of others. EQ is learned, contrary to Intellectual ability (IQ) that is constant over the course of time. In order to permanentlyRead MoreEmotional Intelligence ( Eq ) Essay10457 Words   |  42 Pagesto some situation. However due to the intensity of some emotions, sometime the rational and logic thinking is inhibited. Emotional intelligence requires effective communication between the rational and emotional centers of the brain. When emotional intelligence was first discovered, it served as the missing link in a peculiar finding: people with the highest levels of intelligence (IQ) outperform those with average IQs just 20 percent of the time, while people with average IQs outperform those withRead MoreEmotional Intelligence ( Eq ) And Emotional Quotient Essay1537 Words   |  7 Pages Mrs. Ehlers CollegeNow Comp 151 18 September 2016 Emotional Intelligence Many people ponder about the question â€Å"What is Emotional Intelligence (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) and how is it different from Intelligence Quotient (IQ)?† Many people know about Intelligence Quotient or IQ and they probably hope to have a high one, but they may not realize there is also something called EQ and it plays a role in people’s lives every day. EQ is an important concept to learn and understand becauseRead MoreUnderstanding Emotional Intelligence ( Eq )1409 Words   |  6 PagesUnderstanding Emotional Intelligence (EQ) By Girija Shanker | Submitted On March 20, 2016 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest We are all familiar with general intelligence (IQ). How many of us know anythingRead MoreDeveloping Emotional Intelligence ( Eq )886 Words   |  4 PagesDeveloping Emotional Intelligence The concept of analyzing people has driven the development of various techniques to identify and define specific traits in an individual. There are IQ tests, learning styles, and personality profiles, the organizer, the thinkers, or the persuaders which one matches. The data collected is applied to disclose career paths, growth, and success. Today’s business environment is demanding; workers are asked to do more with less. Employees are accountable for theirRead MoreEmotional Intelligence ( Eq )1051 Words   |  5 Pageswith a desire to pursue a career in counseling, understanding and developing personal emotional intelligence could play a significant role in the success or failure of my career. Emotional Intelligence (EQ), according to John Mayer (2009) is the ability to be aware of and manage one’s own and others emotions (para. 1). Myers (2013) identifies four components of emotional intelligence (pg. 375). The first is emotional awareness, or the ability to recognize emotions in yourself and others. Second is theRead MoreEssay on Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Summary and Assessment826 Words   |  4 Pagesbook, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, provides an alternative approach to how a person achieves success. This book does not focus on the conventional determinant of success, such as formal education and training, experience, and intelligence level (IQ). Although all these components contribute greatly to ones achievement of success, these factors are not the only factors to be considered in whether a person will be successful or not. This book focuses on the concept that it refers to as emotional intelligenceRead MoreEmotional Intelligence And Nursing Leadership1638 Words   |  7 PagesEmotional Intelligence and Nursing Leadership Today, the emphasis on the word leadership leads us to believe that it is unattainable by the average person. We hear phrases such as leaders are born and not created that make us feel that leadership is only for the few. In some instances, this could be the case, but a form of leadership that can be learned by anyone is known as emotional intelligence. Using leadership of this kind can be used in all sorts of career fields such as corporate, salesRead MoreWhy EQ is More Important than IQ Essay1170 Words   |  5 PagesWhy EQ is More Important than IQ For decades, a lot emphasis has been put on certain aspect of intelligence. This intelligence is called IQ ( Intelligence Quotient ). IQ includes aspects of Mathematics, spatial learning, Verbal, logical reasoning, and memory. This intelligence could predict to a significant degree of performances and some degree of personal and professional success. However, some people with fabulous IQ scores are doing poorly in their life. They somehow are wasting their

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Saddam, Iraq, And The Gulf War Essay Example For Students

Saddam, Iraq, And The Gulf War Essay War,justifiable or not, is complete madness. It is hell. No matter what thecause,or what the reason is, war remains mankinds greatest source oftragedy,the plague of mankind, and the plague of this country. Our countryhasexisted for only 200 years, a relatively short time, and already we havebeeninvolved in over eleven major wars. Four have been fought this lastfiftyyears. We are a nation of freedom, but we are also a nation of strongmilitarypresence. Our reasons for going to war have differed little frommostnations. Political, social, and economic factors working alone or witheachother lead us into all of our conflicts. A drive for independencebroughton the Revolutionary war. A common fear of living in a dividedsocietycreated the Civil War. The need to bring down an aggressive nationtookthe United States into the Korean War. And territorial disputes laybehindthe Mexican-American and American Indian Wars. Like most countries,theUnited States, at different periods, has been victimized by the darkforcesof war. Though reasons (or excuses) the American people have been givento theAmerican people to justify military action were given before mostof ourwars, not every war has been popular. Ever since the RevolutionaryWar upuntil the Vietnam War, and even through to the Gulf War, publicsupport hassequentially increased or decreased. For example, less thanhalf of the earlycolonists backed Americas war of independence.1 Accordingto historians,more than one third wanted to maintain their status ofcolonists.2 During theSpanish-American War, such a strong anti-war moodwas being expressed by theAmerican people, the Democratic party madecondemning the war a major part oftheir election campaign. More recently,the Vietnam War divided the nationlike no other conflict had since theCivil War. Yet, there have been some wars that have attained much support,and much haseven given people pride and joy. How ironic, and morbid,that a war couldgive a person feelings of joy or pride. World War Iand World War II wereincredibly popular, since people thought the basisof democracy was at stake. During both wars, people were so committedto winning the war, and had such asense of self-sacrifice, our nationshowed incredible unity for such adiverse country. Support for foodand fuel rationing was overwhelming, highrates of enlisted volunteers,purchases of war bonds, and countless othertypes of voluntary actionswere characteristic of the times. Most recently,the Persian Gulf Warshowed to be one of this countrys more popular wars,despite the factwe, as a land mass, were never directly endangered. Thousands showedup for rallies to send off the troops. Tens of thousands ofindividualsand families across the nation sent packages of food, clothes,cassettes,CDs, suntan oil, and even cosmetics. Some wrote letters to unknownsoldiersin the front line, and gave them their best wishes. In fact, mostpublicopinion polls showed that about 90 percent of all Americans approvedofthe Gulf War. 3This paper covers in detail the history of Iraqs involvementin the eventsleading to the war in the Persian Gulf, the involvementof the United States,and the main events that took place in OperationDesert Shield and DesertStorm. For centuries, the Middle Easthas been one of the most important, mostargued about, and most foughtover areas of the world. One reason for this istheir strategic location. Since it lies at what many call the crossroads ofthree continents-Europe, Asia and Africa- people of these continents oftenhad to crossthrough the Middle East to establish military and trade routes. To protectthese routes, other nations took the advantage of conquering andcontrollinga nearby Middle Eastern country. An addition to the Middle Eastbeinga very strategic area, it is also an area that has been plagued byhostilityand opposition for centuries. Among the most recognized and mostrelevantof these is the Arab-Israeli conflict. On May 14, 1948, an announcementfrom Palestine shocked the world. DavidBenGurion, leader of the Jewishforces, announced the establishment of thenation of Israel. The Jewshad decided to declare their independence beforethe UN officially grantedit. By doing this, the Jews were able to postponethe UN decision todivide Palestine and had more control over Israel. TheUnited Statesimmediately recognized the new state. The Soviet Union and mostotherUN nations recognized it as well. Just as quickly, the members of theArabLeague declared war on Israel. Armies from six Arab nations marched intoPalestine. Theresulting 1948 Arab-Israeli War lasted less than eight months. Eventhoughthe combined population of the Arab nations was over four times largerthanthat of Israel, the Israelis won an astounding victory. In the war,Israeliforces succeeded in capturing some of the land that the UN providedtothe Arabs. In January 1949, Israel controlled 30 percent more land thattheUN originally assigned to them. Thousands of Arabs that lived on thislandbecame refugees or had to live under Israeli rule. The problem of whattodo about these displaced Palestinians has been a weak point to any typeofMiddle Eastern peace ever since. Angry and humiliated over theirdefeat, many Arabs criticized the UnitedStates for recognizing and supportingIsrael during the 1948 war. Thus beginsthe conflict. Convinced thatthe United States would continue to back andsupport Israel, severalArab nations turned to the Soviet Union for militaryand economic aid. The Soviets agreed and supplied them with weapons andmoney. In orderto limit Soviet actions in this region, as well as assistIsrael, theUnited States became more allied with Israel and more involved inMiddleEast affairs. When the Arabs raised oil prices in the 1970s, some MiddleEastern countriesgrew quite wealthy. Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait,which Britain grantedindependence in 1961, benefited enormously fromgrowing oil profits. Theincrease in wealth also increased tensions amongthe oil-producing nationsthemselves. For instance, both Iraq and itsneighbor Iran wanted to controloil shipping in the Persian Gulf. Thisrivalry reopened an old Iraqi-Iraniandispute. Since the 1800s, Iraqisand Iranians had argued and fought over the Shattal-Arab waterway onthe northern edge of the Persian Gulf. Important totrade, the waterwaywas essential to the economics of both countries. In1979, the disputegot out of hand, and each side threatened the other. OnSeptember 17,1980, Iraqs president Saddam Hussein claimed complete controlof theShatt al-Arab and ordered all Iranian ships to leave. Five days later,Iraqitroops invaded Iran and destroyed key Iranian oil installations. TheIranianscounter-attacked, blowing up many Iraqi oil facilities. The eightyearwar that followed was the bloodiest yet seen in the Middle East. Anestimatedone million people were killed in the conflict. Both sides launchedmissileattacks against one another, and both used chemical weapons on thebattlefield. Bob marley1 EssayWithmost of Iraqs radar warning systems down and the Iraqi air force ontherun, Allied bombers and attack planes were free to attack all of theirtargetswithout fear of being shot down. American bombers flew unchallengedthroughthe sky, devastating targets all over. British tornado jets cruisedlowover Iraqi airfields, destroying hangars and demolishing runways, makingthemuseless. American warships in the Persian Gulf launched over one hundredTomahawkcruise missiles equipped with computerized cameras. These deviceswerepre-programmed with detailed maps of Iraqi terrain. With adequate yetdeadlyaccuracy, the missiles found the launch sites, oil refineries, powerstations,and other targets. It was now Saddams turn to act. After labeling Bushas the Satan of theWhite House,7 he began his attack on January 18,1991. His attack shockedpeople around the world. Following through onhis promise to strike outagainst Israel, he ordered a missile attackagainst the Israelis at about2:00 AM. Detecting the incoming Scuds,the entire population of Tel-Aviv puton their gas masks. This was becauseof another threat by Saddam that hewould burn half of Israel withchemical weapons. Suddenly, after only 20minutes after the announcement,eight Scuds appeared over Israel. Two hit TelAviv, three hit a portcity named Haifa, and the other two landed in openfields. The Scudscaused only fifteen injuries and no deaths; they wereembarrassinglyinaccurate. Many people around the world were outraged bythis, callinghim a barbarian and a madman. Many people were surprised that Israeldid not retaliate against Iraq, asthey are know for their quick counterattacks. They held back at the requestof President Bush. He feared that if theIsraelis joined the Allied effort,many of the Arab nations would quit. He compromised by promising to hunt downthe Scud launchers in Iraq. He also promised to protect Israel from furtherScud attacks by use ofthe Patriot missiles. Meanwhile, the Allies continued their strategicbombings at the rate ofthousands per day. Allied warplanes destroyedbridges, airfields, andmilitary centers. Iraqs two nuclear power plantswere leveled. By earlyFebruary 1991, the 4.5 million people of Baghdadhad almost no electricity ofrunning water. Hundreds of Iraqi tanks hadbecome charred, smashed hunks ofmetal scattered around the desert. Mostof Iraqs military and industrialbuildings were demolished. Tens ofthousands of Iraqi military personnel weredead, while Allied fatalitiesnumbered less than one hundred. Still, Saddamrefused to surrender. OnFebruary 22, President Bush delivered a warning to the Iraqi dictator. Saddamhad to begin withdrawing from Kuwait by the 22nd, or face the groundattackthe Allies were preparing for. To nobodys surprise, Saddam againrefusedthe warning. The ground attack started at 8:00 PM on February 22,1991. Bush determined that Iraq did not meet the conditions, and askedGeneralNormal Schwartzkopf to use all forces available, including groundforces,to eject the Iraqi army out of Kuwait. The overall plan of theAlliedattack was to move troops northward into southern Iraq and cut offKuwaitfrom the rest of Iraq. Then the Allies would focus on defeating Iraqiforcesin Kuwait. For weeks the Allied commanders had kept their troopsstationedin the Saudi desert just north of Kuwait. But at the last minute,theAllies shifted their forces to the west, south of Iraq. The Iraqis werenotaware of these changes. They did not have informative aircraft surveyingtheAllied movements. General Schwarzkopf also stationed eighteen thousandUSMarines in plain sight in the Persian Gulf near the Kuwaiti coast. Thinkingthere would be an amphibious assault, the Iraqis pulled thousandsof troopsout of the desert and put them near the coast. They were takencompletely bysurprise when the huge mass of the Allied assault penetratednorthward intoIraq. At the same time, farther west, French and Americantroops sneakedacross southern and central Iraq. They were trapped. Whilethe other troops were invading Iraq, a combined force of Americans,Saudis,Egyptians, and Syrians launched an assault into southern Kuwait. Hundredsof tanks moved in and opened fire on Iraqi desert positions. Overfiftythousand troops followed. Most of the Iraqis in the desert along theKuwaiti-Saudiborder were already wiped out from weeks of bombing raids. Dayafterday, hour after hour air attacks pounded Iraqi bunkers and trenches. Itwasa living hell for those soldiers. And they knew they were defeated. Alltheywanted to do was to go home- the war did not matter any longer. As aresult,the invasion of Kuwait was a success, and thousands of Iraqi soldiersdecidedto surrender rather than face certain death. All that was left nowwasclean up. Allies went on a search and kill mission to rid Kuwait of whatwasleft of the Iraqi soldiers. The next day, newspapers around the worldhad the this on their headline inbig, bold lettering: KUWAIT FREED!War is over. War in the end, seems to be a glorious thing. Especiallyin this Gulf War. Clearly you had the aggressor, the bad guy, SaddamHussein, and the good guy,George Bush. Things turned out like somethingout of a movie; the good guywins easily, the bad guy looses with disgrace. Certainly it felt like a movieto us all, with the extensive press coverageand abundance of video captured. In this I feel we have taken war inthe wrong way. War is not something to belooked at as great, or forthat matter funny. I remember the various videoshots of missiles destructingbuildings, night vision video of bewilderedIraqi soldiers falling overin death from an enemy they cannot even see orhear It makes me cringeto think that these images are shown for ouramusement, not for us tosee the cruelty of war. It is true that Saddam is infact a madman, butthis does not label every single Iraqi citizen, or soldieras one. Welook at gruesome footage of a charred Iraqi body, frozen whilesittingup in his burnt truck- and we laugh. I think we have to rethinkexactlywhat we fought this war for, was it worth the death on both sides,andwhy we put such a low humanitarian priority on the lives of ouropponents. NicholasSinghemailprotectedPICARDesign Graphics- you graphical needs. Words/ Pages : 2,898 / 24

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Security guide of the network fundamental -

Questions: 1. Identification of information assets of A4A. 2. Identification of InfoSec risks associated with the information assets. 3. Can these risks be different depending on the member institution where a member works? Answers: Answer 1 The information assets of Academics for Academics includes the systems (PC, laptop) on which the projects are to be developed and delivered. The other information asset of the company includes the soft copy and hard copy of the assignments or the projects developed by the members of A4A. This is an information asset of the organization because all the information produced by the members except the emails, marked assignments and exams are properties of the organization. The information system storing all these data is a major information asset of the organization and therefore, proper policies are needed to be enforced for the protection of the same. Answer 2 The major information security risks that are associated with the information asset are virus or malware threat and threat from an insider. Proper security of the information asset is to be ensured in order to prevent the virus or malware attack to the system (Von Solms and Van Niekerk 2013). The organization is further exposed to threat from insider who can make an illegal use of the data or the reports produced in the organization. Answer 3 The risks identified in the previous sections are associated with the information system and its data in A4A. However, there can be other risks as well, depending on the location where the member works. If a member is working from a place outside the organization, there is a possibility of the information theft while its transfer (Ciampa 2012). Furthermore, the information security risk from an insider threat increases as well. References Ciampa, M., 2012.Security+ guide to network security fundamentals. Cengage Learning. Von Solms, R. and Van Niekerk, J., 2013. From information security to cyber security.computers security,38, pp.97-102.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hup Seng Essay Example

Hup Seng Paper What competitive advantages this company has? Hup Seng has a pretty simple business model with simple products. It has 3 subsidiaries one which is a biscuit confectionery, the other is to distribute and sells and the one it acquires, Incomix. It is not a great business and some of its product FB business industry against the likes of Kraft and Nestle. Hup Seng ’s competitive advantage is its relatively lower price or maybe some customers who prefer its taste better than the other. SWOT Analysis Strengths 1. Currently in a good financial position (few debts, etc) 2. Skilled workforce (little training required) 3. Company name recognized on a National/Regional/Local level 4. Own premises (no additional costs for renting)| Weakness 1. Less customer 2. Too much waste 3. Low customer retention 4. Low production quality compared to other brands. 5. Low integrity of annual report| Opportunities 1. Skilled workforce means that they can be moved and trained into other areas of the business 2. Competitor going bankrupt (Takeover opportunity) 3. Moving a product into a new market sector| Threats 1. Large and increasing competition 2. Increase in tax 3. Rising cost of Wages (Basic wage, etc) 4. Possible relocation costs due to poor location currently held 5. Local authority refusing plans for future building expansion 6. New distribution channel| How the financial Performances Profitability trends are appear? Picture shown above is the financial highlights of 5 years analysis of Hup Seng Industries Bhd. * From the perspective of turnover of the company is stable during year 2006-2007 shows that the product produces by the company is sold very quickly in the 5 years operation. We will write a custom essay sample on Hup Seng specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Hup Seng specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Hup Seng specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It also shows that company is efficient in selling their products. * Profit after tax means the net profit receive by the company is surprisingly increase from year 2006-2009 but then have slightly decrease. The increase of net profit showed that company have expand their product from time to time according to customer’s taste and lead to increase in sales * Net earnings per share of the company also increase surprisingly from year 2006-2009 but then also decrease a bit at year 2010. This is because when the sales of the company increase it leads to greater profit of company. Lots of profit gives effect to the retained profit of the company that is used to pay for the shareholders. 12. Can it sustain its profitability and competitiveness, in this export business in the long run? No, company cannot sustain its profitability and competitiveness in the long run in this export business because there’s a lot of competitors nowadays who export their products which is in the same industries that is consumer products. To be more specific, company which selling biscuits too. Their profit might fluctuate from time to time if they do not maintain their relationship with customers and their supplier. Understand customer’s needs are very crucial in business. 13. Make appropriate recommendations on how to: (International market) There are 3 elements to sustain or enhance its long term survival Consulting – Company needs to get consultant to manage the daily operation so that everything going smooth and activities perform by the company will generate more income. Technology – Import technology from outside in order to increase the efficient production of the company. Outsourcing – Outsourcing  is the act of one company contracting with another company to provide services that might otherwise be performed by in-house employees. Often the tasks that are outsourced could be performed by the company itself, but in many cases there are financial advantages that come from  outsourcing. By outsourcing some products in this case, company can give attention on producing new products without worrying about the product that they outsourced. Now with the advent of information systems and technology, competitive information gathering in deed can to some large extent make a difference to a Hup Seng Industries Bhd position in an industry and for that matter affect its competitive advantage one way or the other. This company can either use their own database or informational gathering software to track its operations and get the required information like inventory, customers, and trends of competitors performance and about the fast moving products. If a firm can keep or maintain its lead on creating value, leveraging strategic assets for example access to efficient distribution channels, maintain market position and may be low cost advantage then it can be said to have a sustainable competitive advantage. This is absolutely not possible in this dynamic business world. From innovation center, part of that commitment to innovation involves embracing new and disruptive ideas. Another important aspect is leveraging open innovation and open sourcing methods that bring together suppliers, partners, employees and management. Companies that effectively commercialize innovation also develop more risk tolerance when scanning for opportunities outside their immediate business environment. They become more willing to cannibalize products and services when investigating new growth platforms. They become more adept at the operational requirements of their winning concepts, leveraging current partners, networks, assets and distinctive capabilities to help drive growth through innovation

Sunday, November 24, 2019

7th Grade SAT Prep How to Ace the Exam

7th Grade SAT Prep How to Ace the Exam SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Why take the SAT in 7th grade, when there are plenty of other standardized tests like the PSAT and ACT Aspire that are aimed at middle schoolers? There are a couple of answers to that question. Certain summer programs for talented 7th graders require participants to take a college entry exam, which is why most students end up taking the SAT so early. The rare middle schooler may also choose to take the SAT as a 7th grader as part of her early college preparation. In an effort to do well on a college entrance exam like the SAT as a 7th grader, it may be tempting to do everything that's recommended for regular SAT prep and then turn it all the way up to . But just as good 7th grade SAT scores may be different from good college application SAT scores, so, too, does your test prep need to be different. Learn about the best strategies and practices for 7th grade SAT prep so you can be preared to ace the exam on test day. feature image credit: Ian Van Ness/Flickr. Why Take the 7th Grade SAT? The two big reasons students take the SAT in 7th grade are to participate in programs for early achievers or to start training early for college. There are several programs targeted at academically gifted younger students, including Duke TIP or CTY at Johns Hopkins, that require 7th graders to take the SAT. These organizations don't just identify your strengths and weaknesses and offer advanced summer courses for academic enrichment, but also provide guidance from middle school onwards for the best ways to prep for college. The only other real reason to take the SAT in 7th grade is to start laying the groundwork for the PSAT and SAT when you take them in high school. Since you won't have learned some of the content on the SAT (particularly certain math topics), you're definitely not going to want to use your 7th grade SAT score to apply to colleges. But if you want to start to get familiar with the format of the test and the ways in which the College Board will test your reading, writing, and mathematical knowledge, an early encounter with the test can be helpful. Depending on your reason for doing 7th grade SAT prep, you’ll have different amounts of time to study and will need to use different test-taking strategies. I'll start out by discussing how to ace the SAT in 7th grade for the purposes of qualifying for talent searches. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: 7th Grade SAT Prep: Summer Programs If you’re in 7th grade and taking the SAT to take part in a talent search or summer program, you have a relatively short deadline to work with in terms of SAT prep. Programs like the Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search start enrollment early, usually in August of each year. To take part in a 7th grade talent search, you have to take the SAT during 7th grade, which means the latest you can take the test is June at the end of your 7th grade school year. If you want to avoid being waitlisted for the highly competitive summer-after-7th-grade programs, though, it's usually recommended you take the SAT by December of 7th grade, if not before then. Because your prep time is so limited if you want to take the SAT as a 7th grader and still qualify for summer programs, you'll need to use strategies similar to high school students with little time before the exam. One of these strategies is to center the majority of your study around official SAT practice tests and questions to make sure you know what kinds of questions and topics will show up on the real test. You don't need to get a perfect score on the SAT in order to qualify for any of the summer programs, of course, but neither do you want to wake up early and go in on test day only to find out that you were studying entirely the wrong thing. Henry Burrows/Flickr This small child just discovered that trigonometry is now on the SAT. Don't let this be you on test day. Using official SAT materials is only the first step, however. You're also going to need to take at least a couple of realistic full-length SAT practice tests. Compared to high schoolers, 7th graders have less experience taking lengthy tests by dint of not having been in school for as many years, and so will need to build up their test-taking stamina. With breaks, the SAT is over three hours long (or over four hours long if you take the optional essay); being able to sit down and take the whole test without losing focus requires dedicated practice. Another important strategy that can be modified for use by 7th graders taking the SAT is settling on a target score ahead of time. Before you begin to study for the SAT, you need to figure out what score you're aiming for so that you can structure your studying accordingly. For high schoolers, this target score is determined by the average scores of the colleges they want to get into; for 7th graders, SAT target scores should be based on the summer programs you want to attend. Average the score cutoffs for all the different summer programs you're thinking of applying to and then aim to meet that average when you take the SAT. The key strategy to use on the SAT for 7th graders is not to agonize over answering every single question. If you’re aiming for a 600 on each section, it makes way more sense skip questions you don't understand so that you can maximize the time you spend on questions you actually can answer. For more details about exactly how many questions you can skip and still hit your SAT target, read our articles on how to improve low Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math scores on the SAT. 7th Grade SAT Prep: Early Training for College To be totally up front, there are definitely some drawbacks of studying early for the SAT as part of your preparation for college. Because you won't have covered a significant portion of the math tested in school yet and will be at a lower reading level (just by the fact of having been alive less time), you may struggle with the content of the SAT in an unproductive way. It's possible to learn some things on your own, but you may find that, for instance, you cannot effectively teach yourself trigonometric functions. Depending on when you take the SAT, it could be many years before you end up taking the test to apply for college, which means that any benefit you would have gotten from familiarity with the test will likely have vanished. It makes far more sense to start prepping for the SAT in 9th grade, a time when you'll have more of a chance to connect your studying with an endgame of taking the test early on in sophomore year and so can be more focused. On the other hand, if you do still want to study for the SAT in 7th grade as part of preparing to apply to college, you’ll have much more time to study than if you were rushing to take it for a talent search. Without program deadlines to limit your test dates, you can take the SAT any time during your seventh grade year, or even afterwards. And unless you write in to College Board and specifically request they keep your scores, they won't, so your 7th grade scores won't follow you around forever. All you need to do to escape the ghost of your 7th grade SAT scores is...nothing. Because you won't have learned some of the content on the SAT in school yet, you might be tempted to start with the hardest topics first and throw yourself at them until they give in. While this is an approach that might work in some areas, it won't work for studying for the SAT as a 7th grader. Instead, gear your studying toward subjects you have a better chance of improving without having learned them in school. SAT Reading is an area that offers rich rewards for non-classroom studying. It's very hard to teach reading in the same way you'd teach other standardized test skills, because SAT Reading proficiency is dependent on skills acquired through years of reading and critical thinking. As a 7th grader, the best way to study for SAT Reading is to practice reading and analyzing short stories and non-fiction writing. You may also find it useful to study vocabulary independently to boost your reading level. Out of all the subjects covered on the SAT, you'll end up using the skills you learn from SAT Reading practice most continuously as you progress through the rest of your schooling. Because any skills you pick up during early studying are unlikely to atrophy through lack of use, preparing for SAT Reading is an exception to the "starting to study sooner means forgetting what you've learned sooner" rule. You may lose familiarity with the SAT question format if you don't study for the test again until high school, but you won't forget how to read critically. By becoming familiar with more advanced writing, you'll also improve to some extent on the SAT Writing and Essay sections. For more focused studying, however, I recommend reviewing our complete list of grammar rules covered on the SAT and instructions on how to write an SAT essay step by step. Finally, you can start to take a look at some of the topics you might not have covered yet in school that are tested on SAT Math. Different topics are difficult for different students, and you may find that learn algebra and trig is a breeze, whereas SAT Reading is like pulling teeth. In general, though, mathematical topics are harder to teach yourself outside of a formal classroom or tutoring setting, even with good study materials. In general, although it's possible to take the SAT in 7th grade as a useful part of your preparation for college applications, it's more likely to be an unnecessary expense and stress than anything else. If you really want to start early, you can, but you shouldn't beat yourself up too much about not knowing content and doing as well as you hope to in high school. School is stressful enough already. Think hard about whether you really want to add more stress to your life by taking the SAT early. The Bottom Line: How to Study for the SAT in 7th Grade You’ll need to adapt your study plans depending on the reason you're studying for the SAT in 7th grade. If you're taking the SAT for a talent search or a summer program, you should focus on practicing with realistic tests and skipping the questions you don't understand or can't answer. If you're taking it to get ready for college applications, you should focus on learning content and getting familiar with the types of questions you'll be asked. Most importantly, don't let a low 7th grade SAT score (or percentile) discourage you. When you take the SAT as a 7th grader, you've got to keep in mind that the other students taking this test are high school juniors and seniors who need it for college. They're probably going to take it more seriously and spend more time prepping because it will have more of an effect on their future, and will probably know more of the content because of having covered it in school repeatedly. To get a better idea of how you stack up against others your age, take a look through our article on 7th grade SAT scores. Quinn Dombrowski/Flickr How does your 7th grade SAT score stack up? What’s Next? Looking for a more in-depth discussion of the pros and cons of taking the SAT so early? Then our article about whether or not to take the SAT in 7th grade is for you! Need to zero in on a target score, but don't know where to find that kind of information? Start with our articles on the SAT requirements for the Duke TIP and Johns Hopkins' CTY programs, which will give you a good idea of what SAT scores are needed for summer programs in general. Interested in finding out more about some of the summer programs for gifted youth mentioned in this article? Read our guides to the Duke TIP 7th grade Talent Search, CTY at Johns Hopkins, NUMATS, Stanford EPGY, and Summer Institute for the Gifted. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Describe the technical and ethical considerations with personal Essay

Describe the technical and ethical considerations with personal information being shared by Google on the web so that consumers are targeted based on their likes - Essay Example Consumers are also bombarded with emails from manufacturers or companies that continuously trail their interests. Some companies even go as far as to intercept people’s email messages and this makes such an act a great infringement of rights to privacy (Lin, 67). The threat to freedom posed by companies trailing internet users for their consumer clients takes a toll on internet users in that they lose their dignity and spontaneity (Lin, 79). It is not fair for Google to share its client’s information with manufacturers or companies, especially if the information is confidential. Many internet users have put their faith in the company that whatever information they provide on Google as private will be kept that way, private (Lin, 88). With enough evidence that Google may be sharing confidential user information, clients of Google may lose faith in the search engine so as to withdraw their usage of the site. This may hurt the company’s reputation hugely and even cause grate financial troubles (Lin,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Global Supply Chain Analysis of a Global Coffee Company Essay

Global Supply Chain Analysis of a Global Coffee Company - Essay Example The essay "Global Supply Chain Analysis of a Global Coffee Company" talks about the analysis of an entrance to a new market by Starbucks Corporation in Lithuania through theories. There are different strategy models which can be applied to Starbucks in order to analyze their current situation and steps to be taken for future internationalization. There are four strategies based on local responsiveness pressure and cost reduction pressure. They are global standardization strategy, transnational strategy, international strategy and localization strategy. In the case of Starbucks, the best strategy which can be incorporated is Global Standardization Strategy. This would enable the firm to expand over the larger geographical area and acquire high-profit margins. Global standardization strategy mainly states that the company follows the same strategy across the globe. This form of standardized strategy is reflected in its branding, products or services, customer support, etc. International strategy is all about implementing the best possible strategy to establish a strong market position. The four possible international strategies for Starbucks are joint ventures, franchising, exporting and acquisitions. Starbucks encompasses complex tasks from product manufacturing to delivery at retail stores. The company is inclined towards global resource span where it acquires cocoa beans from one country and milk from another distant location. This supply chain strategy enables the firm to spread its operations across many locations.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

O Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

O - Essay Example Different countries have jail criminals on less complex possession of illegal drugs such as marijuana, when found guilty, these offenders are given harsh punishment and jail sentences (Sandro 45). In the last 30 years, there have been international rise in the criminalization of improper use of drugs. Criminalization has led to the rise on the application of disciplinary authorizations executed on illegal drug offenders; in addition there have been an increase in the rates of imprisonment. However, it is vital to note that these policies have had a limited effect in reducing and controlling the abuse of illegal drugs in the streets. In the recent years, the have been some advancement on the fact that another effective approach needs to be implemented in order to combat the use of illegal drugs, addiction of these drugs has come out to be a health problem that needs treatment, medical intervention and counseling instead of imprisonment. In the United States, the population in the prisons has amplified from 300,000 to 2.3 million inmates in the last four decades. Among these inmates, only one in 3 adults in the United States prisons in on the system of parole or probation. This has proved to be expensive as the government at present expends more than 68 billion dollars annually on the prison sector. Therefore, jailing of offenders on use of illegal drugs is one of the main of the mass imprisonment in the United States prisons. There are also substantial signs that drug execution has averted resources from law application of violent offenses and other dangers to public well-being (Sandro 44). Drug offenders who show no previous history of drug abuse or any type of violence and no prior arrests usually face compulsory minimum sentences in excess of 25 years behind bars. A high total of drug low level offenders who have been found guilty end up receiving harsh sentences such as life imprisonment without the option of parole, this is due to the

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Power Of Voice English Literature Essay

The Power Of Voice English Literature Essay The book Their Eyes Were Watching God follows the story of Janie Crawford. It is a story not only of the main characters search for individuality, but her search for a voice of her own, and an escape from patriarchal figures of her time. Because she lives in male dominated society, her voice is often shunned and not accepted, yet she finds way of somehow evade the thinking of such a society and somehow make her voice be heard. Voice is a tool, rhetorical and literary, and is in itself very powerful. It was the time to hear things and talk. These sitters had been tongueless, earless, eyeless conveniences all day long. Mules and other brutes had occupied their skinsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..They became lords of sounds and lesser things. They passed nations through their mouths. They sat in judgment. (Neale Hurston 29-30) Hurston employs the folkloric symbol of the mule to reveal the ways in which the African-American people can be dehumanized and silenced by society. People are compared to animals, mules, which are considered the brutes of all animals. The workers, had always been tongue less, never had a chance to speak their own mind, and therefore they had no voice and wont if they continue to be treated the way they are. Hurston, as an informing narrative consciousness, uses interiority in Their Eyes to characterize those who are silent and lack their own voices, as well as to add dimension to those with voices. (Racine 283) Racine expresses how Hurston decided to write about how some people did possess a voice, while others were deprived from it, and were not allowed to express who they truly were. This is proven, as in the story, Janies grandmother was born during slavery, black people or African Americans, did not possess any voice at all, her grandmother always wanted to make a great speech, but no one would listen, and even though she made Janie marry too young, she had always wanted Janie to be able to speak and have people listen. Yet it is not so easy, as when the town of Eatonville asks Janie to make a speech, Joe, her husband says that because she is a woman she doesnt know anything about making speeches and doesnt allow her to speak silencing her voice. By doing so, all her admirations and hopes are crumbled down by the stubbornness of one man. The years took all the fight out of Janies face. For a while she thought it was gone from her soul. No matter what Jody did, she said nothing. She had learned how to talk some and leave some. She was a rut in the road. Plenty of life beneath the surface but it was kept beaten down by the wheels. (Neale Hurston 108). This is another example of voice, as Janie is unable to communicate and feels isolated, she sees herself as the rut in the road.. All the life she had aspired for had been taken from her and hidden, she could not see it, nor experience it. Her marriage worsens and worsens, and she speaks less and less every time. Another phrase that represents the ideals of having a voice is shown on chapter 8 of the book, She thought back and forth about what had happened in the making of a voice out of a man. (Neale Hurston 119). Joe thinks he has become a big voice, and therefore he thinks that makes him important, but he concentrates so much on that voice that he forgets others have voices as well, and therefore he loses everything he has, including his heart and humanity. Joe was a man, a man in which Janie had found a husband, but his voice became crumbled and blasphemy, and the voice that had one characterized him was the one that took from him all that was good. We have all felt repressed at some stage during our lives, as if we are not able to speak or to be listened, but in the end, we find who we are and the voice we have and share with others. We all find that one moment in which we achieve victory over oppression and in the book Janie finally finds it at the end, with her voice being free and able to represent who she is. Our voice makes us and what we do with it will impact what we might become in the future. Works Cited Page Neale Hurston, Zora.  Their Eyes Were Watching God. J.B. Lippincott, 1937. Print. Racine, Maria J. . African American Review. Trans. Array1994. 283. Print.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Slavery :: Slavery Essays

Escaping from slavery in 1838 had to be a treacherous experience; escaping slavery at any time would be! Most slaves couldn’t read or write, but one slave, Fredrick Douglass, broke that barrier and many more. In this particular writing he uses a wide-open state of mind to clearly get his thoughts across. He does this by using a wide variety of diction along with sentence fluency. An example can be seen in every sentence of every paragraph. â€Å"I saw in every white man an enemy, and in almost every colored man cause for distrust. It was a most painful situation; and, to understand it, one must needs experience it, or imagine himself in similar circumstances.† His narrative point of view about slavery, or rather first person experience on slavery, is expressed throughout as he explains slavery as being both life and death. How someone can write with such strong emotion, is beyond me, but Douglass does more than that. He captures and captivates the reader into thinking about and imagining his experiences. Through the use of concrete language, Fredrick Douglass, relates his readers to the life of a slave while at the same time explaining how one could never understand unless he experiences the hardships of slavery on his own. Fredrick Douglass has such a talent at pulling his readers into the writing and making them envision what is happening, that anyone could fall in love with his writing. An example can be found in,† There I was in the midst of thousands, and yet a perfect stranger†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Another common figure of speech found many times within the passage is the use of metaphors. Some are seen in,†I felt like one who had escaped a den of hungry lions†, â€Å"†¦being seized upon by his fellow-man, as the hideous crocodile seizes upon his prey!†, and â€Å"†¦among fellow-men, yet feeling as if in the midst of wild beasts.† By using such metaphors, Douglass is helping his readers better imagine his emotions. Each sentence flows fluidly and without imperfection. There are no apostrophes or harsh-sounding words that do not belong or fit among the others. The words fit together perfectly, as do the ideas in order to make a remarkable essay filled with emotion.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Rischard Review Questions

The second force, new world economy, raises emergence because businesses are now crossing borders and becoming more mobile†¦ Mom of them global. With resources moving around much more, the infrastructure needs to be updated to accommodate theses leaps. Additionally, policies and laws need to be overhauled to ensure that these organizations are playing fairly, paying the appropriate taxes, etc. 2. Why is the new world economy so radically deferent from the old world economy? The new world economy is an environment where Information and resources can Instantly span the globe with the touch of a button.The old world economy, by contrast, was a much slower place to conduct business. These days, much more work an be accomplished in the same amount of time. With computers to assist with calculations, data storage, sharing and transfer, as well as advancements in transportation, Including cars to get people to their destinations faster, trucks, planes and ships to transport goods, the new world economy moves at a much faster pace than was possible before. 3. What does Railcars mean by a crisis of complexity?Is our traditional reliance on reductionism science adequate for dealing with complexity? Explain. We have more data than before but less ways to use it. We wind up with less causal data allowing or cause and effect. As the world population grows and the new world economy adds more and more layers by way of technology advancements and globalization, the need for additional economic, social, political and environmental resources and regulations becomes more essential. 4. Describe the two big forces gap and why they are problematic.As the population grows and technology and economy evolves, we are more and more in need of solutions to the problems that we already have. The new world economy and populations keep advancing at alarming rates but the solutions to our robbers are moving along at a snail's pace. The gap between these two forces keeps widening more and more and without participation on a global scale, the problems will continue to get worse and worse. 5. What are the three new realities Influencing human Institutions? Tell how they are Influential.Hierarchy to Networks – In a hierarchy, there Is one individual making decisions. Information must be passed down through a chain of individuals, who all 1 OFF person on top is not the subject matter expert. Networks use a more flat method, where individuals or units can make decisions at lower levels, saving time and sources. The Struggling Nation State – The nation state is a structure where the political, environmental and economic systems are contained within a border. Nowadays, with globalization and migration, these lines are getting more and more blurred.Our economies are linked together and dependent upon one another, one country is taking all of the water and polluting what is left in another country and political structures are being redefined. What was once cont ained and very structured is now falling apart. A new kind of partnership – Where there was once a extinct separation between civil society, the private sector and the public sector, they are becoming more and more intertwined. Civil society has become more and more powerful with the advancement of technology and the ability to communicate instantly to other members and groups around the world.Often, group civil society have done extensive amounts of research and are subject matter experts, which are needed to solve some of these global issues. Many of these global issues cannot be solved without the cooperation of businesses and their incredible resources and massive global reach. Their innovation will be vital to getting some of these issues under control. Often times it is the interest of these companies, which moves us forward, not the interests of governments. 6. Which five of the twenty global issues Richard identifies do you think are most important? Explain your think ing.Page Education – Many underdeveloped countries are Just stuck in a rut, because they cannot get the simplest education, how washing your hand prevents the spread of bacteria or how to reduce the spread of HIVE. Simple methods could be taught on how to distribute water so that they can grow more food. Water Shortages – With arbitration becoming more popular, the need for fresh water becomes more and more off problem. Many areas are using the existing water supplies at unsustainable levels and when the water dries up, they will have a very serious problem on their hands.Commerce – The current laws were not written with commerce in mind. It did not exist then. With commerce growing at incredible rates and being conducted internationally, the laws must be rewritten to keep up with the times. Taxation – Along the same lines of commerce, as we become more global, equines is being conducted more and more across borders. Many companies and organizations are g etting away with not paying what is due. The tax code needs and overhaul with this problem considered.Intellectual Property Rights – The idea behind intellectual property rights is that if you innovate, you have the rights to that innovation and are protected from someone taking them from you. This encourages individuals and organizations to spend resources to come up with new ideas without fear of spending that investment for nothing because it was stolen. That is how things are here in the United States. Unfortunately, other countries do not recognize our intellectual property rights laws and steal other ideas which they spent resources to develop which then discourages concerns that require a global commitment or coalition to solve them?Many of these issues are too large for any one country to tackle and many of them are spilling over across borders. Many countries do not have the resources to get themselves out of the hole they are in and continue to deteriorate. Water ta ken in a country upstream deprives the country downstream of water. Pollution runs downstream and blows across borders. There are many methods which have helped developed countries get to where they are which can easily be shared to help underdeveloped countries get on their feet.Many of these problems must be dealt with from collaboration of many countries, developed and underdeveloped. 8. What are the shared characteristics that span global issues? They are planetary. Without a solution many of these issues will have drastic effects on our common future. They are urgent. The longer we wait, the more damage we do. In some cases, every year that goes by without finding solutions puts us seven years back. They are to expensive to solve in the overall scheme of things. Many of the world's problems could be solved with a small commitment of the overall GAP.They are tough. Someone has to give something up for others to gain and the interest of one's self almost always comes before the i nterests of others. None of these issues has been remedied by the current international setup. 9. Compare what Richard calls hierarchical world government with networked governance? Peggy Hierarchal Government is stacked and all decisions must go through one â€Å"leader†. Networked government is flat and each issue has â€Å"its own robber solving vehicle†, making it much more efficient. 10.What solutions other than global issues networks did Richard identify? Peggy One idea is using a 620 track. This would gather global leaders for each issue, Just as the current 620 gathers for financial issues. Another idea is a new diplomacy track and expanded concept of aid, which would assign expert diplomats who would deal directly with their foreign counterparts. This idea would also assign two budgets – one for country and one for global issues. It would also set up a global participation fund which would help developing countries participate in the global issues.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Write an Argumentative Essay on Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

How to Write an Argumentative Essay on Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser An argumentative essay is usually assigned to help a student develop critical reading and thinking skills. Instructors rely on them to teach how to use evidentiary support to develop a logically sound thesis/claim. An argumentative essay presents a balanced view of a topic. If you are assigned with a topic that is relatively controversial and incites strong levels of support or opposition, for example writing about the book â€Å"Fast Food Nation† by Eric Schlosser, you will find lots of for and against claims. It is your job to read the primary source material (in this case, the book), examine all the evidence presented, form an opinion about it, and then present it in a logically structured and coherent manner. This handy guide will provide you with an outline and detailed instructions about the sections your instructor will expect to see in your argumentative essay. However, if your instructor has given you a specific outline, the rules of that will supersede the following outline. An argumentative essay consists of six major sections. Each plays a role in forming the overall frame of your essay. We will examine each part separately and provide detailed instructions on how and what to write in each part. Introduction You should state what your paper is about and then include information about the literary work, issue or theory you plan to address. Finally, state your major claim/argument/thesis in this section. Try to make it interesting and captivating. Background Paragraph Devote one or two paragraphs to lay the foundations for the evidence you will state in the next section. Define key terms, theories, and any other background knowledge you think is relevant. Supporting Evidence Paragraphs Traditionally three to five paragraphs long, this section is where you will back up your claim with evidentiary support. Write a strong topic sentence and then explain the topic sentence in detail. Next, introduce the evidence (write the source of information) and state the information. The next sentence should explain the significance of the evidence and clarify what it means. Finally, add a concluding sentence that restates your original point. Counterclaim This is a paragraph where you explore the opposing parts of the claim you made. Try to imagine what arguments the reader might use against your original claim, state these, and then refute them. The ending sentence should reassert your original argument. Rebuttal Restate your overall thesis and the supporting argument you presented. This basically reminds readers of your overall position on the issue. Make sure to provide a lot of evidence to strengthen your argument. Conclusion The conclusion serves as the last chance to state your argument. Use clear, direct and concrete language to make sure you leave a lasting impression on the reader. State the significance of your thesis and then restate your main argument. Presenting things in an organized manner will help your instructor follow your line of argument with ease and see your point all the more clearly. In any form of academic writing, clarity of language comes once the student has clarity of thought. So, remember to do adequate background research and state things directly to come up with a grade A essay. If this guide was helpful to you then you might want to also check our 10 facts on Fast Food Nation for an argumentative essay as well as 20 topics 1 and sample essay about it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Implications of Copernicanism essays

Implications of Copernicanism essays The full implications of Copernicanism could be considered to have only emerged within the last century, sustained by the arrival of Quantum Mechanics and the breakdown of religious, political and ideological eschatology. Its principles can be seen to lead directly to the homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann cosmological models, successful in predicting the existence and spectrum of cosmic microwave background radiation. However, despite the later successful nature of the Copernican model, the papal authorities only permitted the astronomer Joseph Settle in 1820 to declare that cosmological motion was such that the Earth and other planets rotated about the Sun. This principle of astronomy was an apex of Copernicus proposals in the sixteenth century, and so it is interesting to consider why acceptance of his claims about the Universe was not widespread for nearly three hundred years. The eventual acknowledgement of a heliocentric Universe represented a paradigm shift away from the wide ly accepted Ptolemaic system wherein the Universe was geocentric, with the planets and stars orbiting in a symmetric and circular manner. Gott wrote, The Copernican revolution taught us it was a mistake to assume, without sufficient reason, that we occupy a privileged position in the Universe, and it would seem that this, alongside an understanding of the Aristotelian philosophy, may contribute toward an explanation of the reluctance of those living in the sixteenth century, to accept Copernicus ideas. More generally, it seems the purports of Copernicus writings challenge four principal and interrelated cornerstones of sixteenth century religion, philosophy and authority. With consideration of the Churchs power and influence during the period, it is also important to examine the strict enforcement of religious decrees as evidenced by the Counter-Reformation and Galileos later trial. Of paramount significance is ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Reply to professor comments regarding # 1110606 Assignment

Reply to professor comments regarding # 1110606 - Assignment Example Intrinsically, the support pattern is upheld for a long period of time, maybe, till another person takes over the presidency. The power to declare war makes the presidency too powerful. Despite the constitution giving the Congress the exclusive power to declare war, in the contemporary presidency, the presidency can declare war without any formal Congress declaration. The U.S. is rich in missiles that have nuclear warheads. It’s only the president who is bestowed with the power to launch them by giving a signal, something that can lead to instant destruction of the cities in their entirety (Lowi 2012, p. 195). Surprisingly, the people who wrote and promulgated the presidency had the right intention of striking a balance of power between the presidency and the Congress; however, the modern presidency has evolved to claim too much power as compared to the Congress. The writers of the constitution would not predict that the U.S. world transform to be the worlds richest nation in terms of weapons. This has prompted amendments to the constitution from time to time, giving the presidents superfluous power s. The strength of the U.S.’s economy heightens the presidency’s powers. Presumably, the U.S. is among the top economies in the world. As such, the presidency of America is respected all over the world (Lowi 2012, p. 177). The president uses jets to tour the world and the advice he gives to other nations is taken with much seriousness than any other executive. Also, many dignitaries visit the White House from time to time to come and consult with the presidency on various issues. Contrary to the Congress, the presidency has evolved to be such a respected position, both locally and in the international

Friday, November 1, 2019

Visual analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Visual analysis - Assignment Example Figures that used to be fixed, large, often presented from the front, are at this time of light, becoming elongated proportions; they are often portrayed in the interaction. The style of this period is marked increase of scenic elements, colorful range of complication with the use of color blend. As the era of European history it is marked by numerous milestones - including the strengthening of economic and social liberties of the cities, spiritual revival that led eventually to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, the Peasants War in Germany, the formation of absolute monarchy (the largest scale it had in France), the beginning of the Age of discoveries, the invention of European printing, the discovery of the heliocentric system in cosmology and etc. The art of that time had showing of the Byzantine trend where the refined ornamentality, subtle artistic language and deep religiosity, emotion, dogmatism, expression and philosophical depth are closely interweaved. LORENZO DI CREDI. MADONNA AND CHILD, XV century. The base for this picture was the iconography of "Madonna: Tenderness". In the picture Christ is drawn to Marys cheek, with his hands around her neck. She lowered her eyes, gently hugging her Son. The cordiality emanating from the divine figures, brings them closer to the viewer, giving him an opportunity to at least partially understand the Heavenly harmony. The trends of the High Renaissance are reflected in this picture: clarity, balance, perfect beauty of forms and tranquility of the spirit which spreads between the figures. All the colors are selected very painstakingly; they are bright but calm and charm the viewer. The di Credis picture is very similar to the work of Raphaels "Madonna of the Meadow". RAPHAEL. MADONNA OF THE MEADOW, 1506. In the composition of this picture we can feel the significant influence of the Michelangelos works. Pyramidal structure of the group of actors reminds the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci. But with

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mobile Video Internet Search and Summary Research Paper

Mobile Video Internet Search and Summary - Research Paper Example Mobile video, which encompass smart phones, Iphones and other gadgets of similar caliber were handheld components mostly preferred by protesters and demonstrators as they agitated for the elimination of tyrannical powers, for instance, in Egypt (Boughelaf). People were capable of sharing ideas, slogans, videos and frustrations they so far endured while under tyrannical individuals who due to the sycophancy of traditional Medias made the majority ignorant by threatening them (Stoughton, India). Therefore, through mobile video gadgets, the then incumbent powers did not have any limitation, which they can impose on people except to terminate phones’ supply from western states, but they had already made their citizens’ hands (Shanley). For instance, Duffy (54) in his study cites how most handheld phones now evident among middle class society contributed to effective communication in such a way tyranny powers cannot limit users’ freedom. In Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and L ibya people besides being protesters, almost all of them turned out to be â€Å"journalist reporters† though not in acting it. Since, they took pictures and videos only to flood them in FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube, which currently have large pool of fans (Duffy 53). This helped to disseminate Arab Spring information incomparable to other authorized state Medias (Duffy 54). Hence, being a significant factor that contributed immensely in overturning tyrannical icons especially in Arab regions. Since, it only took the courage of an individual to update an observed repression state then followed by numerous comments of similar caliber expressing frustrations, which then resulted to active action like in Egypt. What are the possibilities now for viewing TV shows on mobile devices? Mobile knowhow has not only perfected its varied applications with the aid of phones but also extended in airing TV shows (Heather). Therefore, fans of diverse shows do not have to part with what they can watch while in the comfort of their homes but also while travelling with the aid of their handheld Iphones, Galaxies and smart phones (Heather). Presently, it is not a shock to find some Wi-Fi enabled public buses installed for passengers to access internet with their phones, which is a marketing strategy in some of Third states especially in Kenya and Uganda (Okwii). This is due to low-priced gadgets, which respective corporations have offered thus enabling even middle class people be in possession of them besides installed in public vehicles. Consequently, this avails masses with large pool of information irrespective of their place and time such that despite being out of residential confinements can still enjoy TV shows they normally love. Presently, the argument concerning â€Å"possibility† of watching TV shows via mobile gadgets is not a future anticipated enjoyment but already realized goal. This is because the knowhow despite being new to some states especially in Middle East is already rampant in other states whereby users they only need to have an internet connection (mostly wireless). In some states, this is already a realized goal whereby some mobile subscribers especially in Kenya, which even offer bundles for internet fanatics via their mobile gadgets (Okwii). Hence, they are capable of watching not only TV shows but also global matches of their favorite teams. PR Newswire

Monday, October 28, 2019

New Hire Communication Essay Example for Free

New Hire Communication Essay †¢Planning ? Define the purpose. To communicate the company culture, process, procedures, and general information for a new hire. ?Define the audience. New Hires. ?Identify the channel(s) of communication and why you selected that channel. The channel of communication that I selected for the new hire communication is email. I chose to send the new hire communication by email because it is instantly sent to the new hire at no cost to the company. †¢Writing ? Create the message. Welcome to Dutch Bros Coffee,Congratulations on your new position with Dutch Bros. We are truly pleased that you have chosen us as your employer. Since being founded in 1992, our goal remains to ensure that our customers are always satisfied with their beverage purchases. Here at Dutch Bros. , we believe in lovin’ life and keeping it positive. We strive to pass the good vibes on to our employees and customers. At Dutch Bros. We serve up a variety of beverages that can be infused with a number of different flavors. This fast paced work environment requires staff to work side by side as a team to successfully keep the line moving and the coffee and drinks flowing. Again, I want to welcome you to the Dutch family. We are truly pleased NEW HIRE COMMUNICATION 3 that you have accepted this opportunity to serve up a cup of sunshine to the wonderful citizens of Phoenix, AZ †¢Completing ? Proofread, revise, and submit. Welcome to Dutch Bros Coffee, Congratulations on your new position with Dutch Bros. We are truly pleased that you have chosen us as your employer. Since being founded in 1992, our goal remains to ensure that our customers are always satisfied with their beverage purchases. At Dutch Bros. We serve up a variety of beverages that can be infused with a number of different flavors. This fast paced work environment requires staff to work side by side as a team to successfully keep the line moving and the coffee and drinks flowing. We strive to pass the good vibes on to our employees and customers. Here at Dutch Bros. , we believe in lovin’ life and keeping it positive. We expect our employees to arrive on time at work in clean casual clothes and a positive work attitude. Again, I want to welcome you to the Dutch family. We are truly pleased that you have accepted this opportunity to serve up a cup of sunshine to the wonderful citizens of Phoenix, AZ Kelli Woodruff NEW HIRE COMMUNICATION 4 References Dutch Bros Coffee. (1992-2014). Retrieved from http://dutchbros. com/AboutUs/.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Will Computer Growth Ever Slow Down :: Essays Papers

Will Computer Growth Ever Slow Down It all started in 1930, when Vannevar Bush created what he called a â€Å"differential analyzer† for what amounted to simple calculations (Epstein 919). Who knew then that this simple technology would evolve into something as diverse and complex as it has today? These machines and the plethora of technology that surrounds them continue to be produced and improved upon at a phenomenal, almost break-neck, and somewhat frustrating pace for consumers. We are left to wonder if and when the computer industry will ever slow down; and what are the repercussions if it does not? Will there be any jobs left for the human race? Or perhaps there could be some frightening future in store for us if artificial intelligence gets less artificial and more intelligent. Questions upon questions continue to surface as the computer era continues to rage on, leading to one significant query: will this computer revolution ever slow down? Since the 80’s, a massive shift in our country’s industry has occurred. Almost any and every aspect of this great nation and other nations’ industry has become saturated with computer technology. From automated teller machines, to robots that build our cars for us, every warehouse on earth seems to have an â€Å"electronic buddy† helping their production. Beginning with ideas to assist us and leading to something much greater, we have become dependant on machines to do a great variety of tasks for us. With such enormous human interest and demand for products that will do our work for us, there are companies that will do much of anything to create or I prove upon a marketable product. What is known as one of the largest industries in the world, c9omputers gross†¦(annual net income) Ranking among the car industries of the world, which gross†¦(annual net income) So it would seem that the greatest force pushing this industry is money. And with money companies need to utilize whatever edge is available. In the United States, and other countries alike, that edge would be innovation. With the large amount of college graduates, (computer science majors graduating college) and the occasional genius, these companies have the resources to continually create a great product, keeping ideas as fresh as possible. In part this is why the computers we had a couple of years ago or even a few months ago, are deemed obsolete.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Assess the usefulness of social action theories in the study of society Essay

Social action theories are known as micro theories which take a bottom-up approach to studying society; they look at how individuals within society interact with each other. There are many forms of social action theories, the main ones being symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and ethnomethodology. They are all based on the work of Max Weber, a sociologist, who acknowledged that structural factors can shape our behaviour but individuals do have reasons for their actions. He used this to explain why people behave in the way in which they do within society. Weber saw four types of actions which are commonly committed within society; rational, this includes logical plans which are used to achieve goals, traditional-customary behaviour, this is behaviour which is traditional and has always been done; he also saw affectual actions, this includes an emotion associated with an action and value-rational actions, this is behaviour which is seen as logical by an individual. Weber’s discovery of these actions can therefore be seen as useful in the study of society. Weber discovered these actions by using his concept of verstehan, a deeper understanding. However, some sociologists have criticised him as they argue that verstehan cannot be accomplished as it is not possible to see thing in the way that others see them, leaving sociologists to question whether Weber’s social action theory is useful in the study of society. Social action theories have also been referred to as interactionism as they aim to explain day-to-day interactions between individuals within society. G. H Mead came up with the idea of interactionism and argued that the self is ‘a social construction arising out of social experience’. This is because, according to Mead, social situations are what influence the way in we act and behave. He claims that we develop a sense of self as a child and this allows us to see ourselves in the way in which other people see us; we act and behave in certain ways depending on the circumstances which we are in. Mead also claimed that we have a number of different selves which we turn into when we are in certain situations; i. e. we may have one self for the work place and another self for home life. Mead concluded that society is like a stage, in which we are all ‘actors’. Mead’s theory if interactionism is useful in the study of society as it explains why people behave in different ways in certain situations. Mead argues that the social context of a situation is what influences our behaviour, humans use symbols, in the form of language and facial expressions, to communicate, he also argued that humans and animals differ as reasons behind humans’ actions are thought through and not instinctive, unlike those of animals’. However, it has been argued that not all action is meaningful, as Weber’s category of traditional action suggests that much action is performed unconsciously and may have little meaning. Therefore, mead’s idea of interactionism cannot be seen as an appropriate theory to use when studying society. Blumer, a sociologist, who elaborated on Mead’s concept of the self – ‘I’ and ‘me’ – stated that there were three principles about actions and behaviours within social situations. He argued that our actions are the result of situations and events and they have reasons. The reasons behind our actions are negotiable and changeable, so they’re not fixed. Our interpretation of a situation is what gives it meaning. Blumer’s three principles can therefore be used in the study of society. However, it has been argued that his principles cannot explain the consistent patterns which we see in people’s behaviours. This therefore leaves many sociologists to question whether Blumer’s principles can be used to study society. Labelling theory has also been used to apply the interactionist theory to society; the theory, like Mead, emphasises the importance of symbols and situations in which they are used. The main interactionist concepts are the definition of the situation – if we believe in something then it could affect the way in which we behave. The looking glass –self – this was created by Cooley who argues that we see ourselves in a way in which we think others see us. These concepts have been useful in explaining why people act in certain ways in certain situations; therefore, the labelling theory is effective in the study of society. Overall, in conclusion, there are many different social action theories which can be used in the study of society, however, not all of them can be applied to all individuals.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Outline the Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God (21)

Outline the cosmological argument for the existence of God (21) The Cosmological argument is an argument that attempts to prove the existence of God, it is also known as the causation argument which argues that as all events require a cause, if the universe is an event it must have a cause and that cause is God. The argument is a posteriori because its based on evidence that already exists in the universe. The cosmological argument is also inductive because the conclusion is what is most probable, it is also synthetic because the truth can only be determined by experience. Cosmological’ comes from the Greek words ‘kosmos’ and ‘logos’ translated as ‘cosmos’ synonymous with ‘universe’ and ‘Logos’ meaning ‘blueprint’ or ‘plan’. Therefore, ‘cosmology’ refers to the ‘blueprint of the universe’. The Cosmological argument originated from Plato and Aristotle however it was mainly later developed by St. Thomas Aquinas. Their arguments both began with the idea that motion needs a prior agency. Plato then identified the first cause of the chain of events as the need for an unmoved mover which started off the chain.Aquinas' main argument is well known as ‘Aquinas' third way'; the argument from contingency and necessity. The first of Aquinas' ways was ‘from motion,' this follows the idea that all objects move and a change of quality is movement. Nothing can move itself, which then leads to the idea of a chain of movement but the chain cannot be infinate, therfor there must be an unmoved mover to begin the chain. This first mover is God. The second of Aquinas' ways was ‘from efficiant causes,' this follows the idea that all things are caused by something else because they cant cause themselves or they would exist before themselves.However this would mean that there cant be an infinite chain of causes, meaning there must be a 1st cause that caused all causes, then this 1st cause is God. The third of Aquinas' ways is ‘from contingency and necessity. This follows the idea that everything is dependant of factors outside itself, therefor everything is contingent. If this is correct then there must be a necessary being upon which everything is dependant on. The necessary being is God.Another part to the cosmological argument is the Kalam argument which was developed by Al Ghazali and recently developed by Craig. The Kalam argument rejects the idea of an actual infinite because an actual infinite past of the universe is impossible. Craig developed the Kalam argument and added that it is logically unsound to propose an infinite series because for this to actually occur we would have to have travelled an infinite length of time and so still wouldnt be in the present yet.However, some would critique Aquinas’ theory, for example; Hick pokes holes in aquinas's ‘three ways. ’ Hick says that Aquinas p resent us with two alternatives; that the universe is either â€Å"a fact†, or there is a ‘first cause’. Aquinas' argument can only be proven if there is evidence of a first cause of the universe. (ii )Consider the view that the strengths are more convincing than the weaknesses (9) Leibniz argued that there had to be a sufficient reason for the universe to exist which supports Aquinas's theory.Leibniz says that even if the universe had always been in existence, it would still require an explanation for its existence so we can establish that there is something rather than nothing. Since there is nothing within the universe to show why it exists the reason must therefor exist outside of it. However Hume disagrees with Aquinas and observes that to arrive at the existance of god from the premises of the cosmological argument, this requires an inductive leap which ineffectively guesses without having actual evidence that allows for the assumption to be made.This then means that you cannot make an inductive leap about the universe because we cannot make conclusions about something outside our exerience. In contrast to Hume copelston suports Aquinas' rejection of infinite regress based on the idea that an infinite chain of contingent beings would only consist of contingent beings therefor meaning they could never be able to bring themselves into existence. However like Hume, Mackie disagrees with Aquinas' inductive leap by stating hat ‘ everything at some time must exist' to ‘at some point sometime everything does not exist' here there is a clear overlap of things that just dont make sense to put after eachother as there is clearly something missing in the middle. Taking these points into consideration we can make the assumption that the weaknesses are in actual fact stronger than the strengths because the strenghts agree with the inductive leap aquinas has made, however the leap clearly looks as if something in the middle is missing a s you just cant make an assumption on something bigger than us that we have no expience of.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Stephen Hawking essays

Stephen Hawking essays Many people think of science as a collection of facts and ideas about the world around us. But science is more than of how human beings have brought their individual strengths and weaknesses to the ever going struggle to learn more about our world. Stephen Hawking is one of the best-known and most admired scientists in the world today. His life and work have been featured in numerous newspaper and magazine articles, television documentaries, and even a movie. Part of Hawkings fame comes from his ability to use his imagination or intuition to see connections between seemingly unrelated ideas. He has combined the physical laws governing suns and galaxies with those governing the particles inside the atom. He has created a chain of thought that links events inside collapsing stars with the almost unimaginable explosion that, most scientists believe, began our universe about fifteen billion years ago (Boslough). In early 1942, Great Britain was in the third year of a bitter struggle for survival. England had been spared from invasion, but night after night, German bombers continued to pound London. Frank and Isobel Hawking were expecting their first child. The Hawkings were well-educated and talented. Both had attended the university at Oxford. The couple realized that London was an unsafe place to raise a child, and decided to move to Oxford which Germany had agreed not to bomb in return for the British not bombing Heidelberg and GÃ ¸ttingen. Stephen Hawking once noted that he was born on January the 8th, 1942, exactly three hundred years after the death of Galileo. World War Two changed the way people looked at scientists and their theories. Suddenly the incomprehensible ideas of physics had become very important. The laws of gravity and motion, discovered centuries earlier by Sir Isaac Newton, now enabled warring nations to aim and launch rockets and new jet airplanes that would soon break ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The eNotes Blog You Offend Me, Sir! Top 10 Insults from One Writer toAnother

You Offend Me, Sir! Top 10 Insults from One Writer toAnother Anyone who thinks authors would not stoop to trash-talking a fellow writer has another thing coming. Authors have egos that bruise like overripe peaches and will lash out at the slightest provocation. Provocations include boredom, low sales (you are convinced that it only takes the right person to acknowledge your brilliance), high sales (convinced that you are the superior author and that other guy is secretly sponsored by the Garden Weasel), hangovers, sobriety, and a lack of cheese choices when hungry. (Note: the last bit may be applicable only to me.) Fortunately, since writersfollow me closely herewrite things down,  we get to revel in their snarkiness. Dont pretend you dont want to look. 10.   Mark Twain on Jane Austen I havent any right to criticize books, and I dont do it except when I hate them. I often want to criticize Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I cant conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin. Every time I read Pride and Prejudice, I want to dig her up and hit her over the skull with her own shin-bone. 9.   Virginia Woolf on James Joyce I dislike Ulysses more  and more that is I think it more and more unimportant; and dont even trouble conscientiously to make out its meanings. Thank God, I need not write about it. 8. Ernest Hemingway on James Jones To me he is an enormously skillful  f#*-up and his book ( From Here to Eternity) will do great damage to our country. Probably I should re-read it again to give you a truer answer. But I do not have to eat an entire bowl of scabs to know they are scabsI hope he kills himself 7.   James Dickey on Robert Frost If it were thought that anything I wrote was influenced by Robert Frost, I would take that particular work of mine, shred it, and flush it down the toilet, hoping not to clog the pipes.a more sententious, holding-forth old bore, who expected every hero-worshipping adenoidal little twerp of a student-poet to hang on his every word I never saw. 6.   John Irving on Tom Wolfe He doesnt know how to write fiction (The Right Stuff), he cant create a character, he cant create a situationYou see people reading him on airplanes, the same people who are reading John Grisham, for Christs sake.Im using the argument against him that he cant write, that his sentences are bad, that it makes you wince. Its like reading a bad newspaper or a bad piece in a magazine.You know, if you were a good skater, could you watch someone just fall down all the time? Could you do that? I cant do that. 5. George Bernard Shaw on William Shakespeare With the exception of Homer, there is no eminent writer, not even Sir Walter Scott, whom I can despise so entirely as I despise Shakespeare when I measure my mind against his. The intensity of my impatience with him occasionally reaches such a pitch, that it would positively be a relief to me to dig him up and throw stones at him, knowing as I do how incapable he and his worshippers are of understanding any less obvious form of indignity. 4.   Katherine Mansfield on E.M. Forster Putting my weakest books to the wall last night I came across a copy of Howards End and had a look into it. Not good enough. E.M. Forster never gets any further than warming the teapot. Hes a rare fine hand at that. Feel this teapot. Is it not beautifully warm? Yes, but there aint going to be no tea. And I can never be perfectly certain whether Helen was got with child by Leonard Bast or by his fatal forgotten umbrella. All things considered, I think it must have been the umbrella. 3.   D.H. Lawrence on Herman Melville Nobody can be more clownish, more clumsy and sententiously in bad taste, than Herman Melville, even in a great book like Moby Dick.One wearies of the grand serieux. Theres something false about it. And thats Melville. Oh dear, when the solemn ass brays! brays! brays! 2. Samuel Johnson on John Milton Paradise Lost is one of the books which the reader admires and lays down, and forgets to take up again. None ever wished it longer than it is. 1. Harold Bloom on J.K. Rowling How to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone? Why, very quickly, to begin with, and perhaps also to make an end. Why read it? Presumably, if you cannot be persuaded to read anything better, Rowling will have to do.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

6 Bad Work Habits That Are Ruining Your Career

6 Bad Work Habits That Are Ruining Your Career Whether you’re just starting out or trying to revitalize your career, it’s always important to do a lifestyle and attitude check up to make sure you’re not subconsciously sabotaging yourself. Here are 6 bad work habits that you should change if you want to find a path to success.1. RuthlessnessSure, the road to success is littered with ruthless, bloody-minded mercenaries who have tunnel vision- and damn everything and everybody else. But the business world also requires you to be a good team member and collaborator. Try to keep in mind that your success does not need to exclude anyone else’s success, and work together with your coworkers- rather than against.2. ComplainingThis is a waste of your time and energy. For every time you’re tempted to complain, try instead to think of a possible solution, or to channel your energy into something productive and constructive.3. GossipIf you’re a big mouth, spreading gossip or telling insider secrets, or worse- spreading mistruths- then you’re not going to go far. If people feel you can’t be trusted, you won’t ever gain the trust and confidence you’ll need to get to the top.4. DrinkingA drink or two can be a great ice breaker, but you’ll want to be careful not to overindulge. It can impair your function, burden your workweek with hangovers, and cause you to do things you might regret. Keep a hold on yourself socially so as not to lose a grip on yourself professionally.5. ArroganceConfidence in your abilities is one thing. Drive is another thing. Arrogance is just unnecessary. Try not to antagonize anyone with your self opinion on your way up the ladder. A little humility can go a long way.6. LazinessYou have to work hard to succeed. Employers and coworkers can always tell when someone isn’t pulling their weight. Next time you’re tempted to hang back and let others do the work, remember how important it is to pull your own weight an d to give it your all. If you don’t, you’ll never truly succeed.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Transferable Skills - FINAL ASSIGNMENT 2009 Essay

Transferable Skills - FINAL ASSIGNMENT 2009 - Essay Example This was magnificently exemplified by our rescue operations leader, Giwrgos Antwniou, whose leadership and decision making played a key role in saving the lives of many people and the town from flames in the least time possible. Contrary to the old emphasis on leader as the boss, today’s leadership is more of partnership with their people. Certainly, leadership has moved from ‘command-and-control’ role of judging and evaluating to a role of ensuring accountability through support, coaching, and cheerleading. In a situation of fire crisis, the practice that ultimately helped in saving the town and the lives of people was approach adopted by our leader in guiding and monitoring the activities after delegating tasks to each of the rescue team members including the fire men. The charge that the leader took, though was that of authoritative and commanding, received absolutely no retaliations or resentment from any of the people around. The leader assumed the most desirable role of a situational leader in this context. Situational leadership is, indeed, endured as an effective approach to managing and motivating people because it fosters a partnership between the leader and the people that the leader supports and depends upon. In other words, situational leadership is not something that is done to people, but it is something done with people (Blanchard, K 2001; p 3). The leader, Giwrgos Antwniou, helped people work in time of crisis through his guidance and motivation ensuring each of the members is self-reliant achiever. His leadership style helped harness others’ emotions, heart, energy, and skills in support of the crisis situation and their individual goals of saving the lives of people. The leadership adopted by the leader opened up communication with all team members, who initially were strangers to most of the other team